Sunday 23 May 2010

Vocabulary words

1.alternative (noun) A choice between two or more mutually exclusive possibilities, There are always many alternative resources for clean energy
2.access (verb) To gain or obtain access to. I have the right to access my bank account when I turn 22 years old
3.annual (adjective) Of, for, or relating to a whole year, often as a recurring cycle; determined or reckoned by the year; accumulating in the course of a year. performed, executed, or completed over the course of a year.My annual salary is 200000 dhs
4.approximate (verb) To carry or advance near; to cause to approach.

5.attitude (noun) The position of the body or way of carrying oneself.
The ballet dancer walked with a graceful attitude.
6.attribute (noun) A characteristic or quality of a thing
His finest attribute is his kindness.
7.comment (noun) To insert comments into source code.
I commented on the photo album.
8.compensate (verb) To pay someone in exchange for work done or some other consideration. It is hard work, but they will compensate you well for it.
9.component (noun) A smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity. Often refers to a manufactured object that is part of a larger device
A CPU is a component of a computer.
10.consent (noun) Voluntary agreement or permission, not unlike assent consent can be achieved by passively not refusing. He gave consent to undergo the procedure.
11.considerable (adjective) Significant; worth considering. I've spent a considerable amount of time on this.
12.correspond (verb) to exchange messages, especially by postal letter, over a period of time.
I've been corresponding with my German pen pal for three years.
13.document (verb) To record in documents. He documented each step of the process as he did it, which was good when the investigation occurred.
14.debate (noun) An informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views. The debate over the age of the universe is thousands of years old.
15.domestic (noun) A house servant; a maid.- New standards of cleanliness increased the workload for domestics.
16.emphasis (noun) Special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important.
He paused for emphasis before saying who had won.
17.emerge (verb) To come out of a situation, object or a liquid. The submarine emerged from the ocean
18.error (verb) To show or contain an error or fault. The block transmission errored near the start and could not be received.
19.ethnic (adjective) Of or related to a group of people having common racial, national, religious or cultural origins
There are many ethnic Indonesians in the Netherlands (noun) A money-management operation, such as a mutual fund.
Several major funds were declared insolvent recently.

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