Tuesday 1 June 2010

Log Book 2

Saturday, 29 May 2010
Time: 1:44 to 1:51 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Tire recycling
Introduction: I was trying to give the information to the student buy the photos and small titles.
Body language and eye contact were good + comfortable.
Slides: 10 slides, informative, colorful and not too many words.
Content: I introduced the solutions for the problem and the meaning was too clear.
persenter: Saoud Abdullah
Time: 12:49 to 1:06
Date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Crimes in Dubai
Introduction: He gave good definitions for all of his presentation.
Body language: His body language was good and it’s the same as the eye contact.
Attitude: Relaxed and comfortable.
Slides: 11 slides, contained good information and too much talking and few photos.
Content: He discussed about the solutions and answered all questions.
Meaning: Clear.

persenter: Mohammad Alzaabi
Time: 1:26 to 1:43 pm
date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Obesity
Introduction: The introduction is clear and good
Body language and eye contact were fine.
Attitude: Relaxed, but not comfortable.
Slides: 15 slides were good information but not always clear.
Content: he gave good solutions to the problem and he was reading from the board.
Meaning clear: Good
Language: yes

persenter: Almunther
Time: 8:46 to 9:01 am
Date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Divorce in the UAE
Introduction: He did a nice introduction with good definitions.
Body language: His body language and eye contact were not too good.
Slides: 9
Clear: yes
Relevant: yes
Colorful: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: He explained the problem and he discussed the best solution.
Language: Yes
Meaning clear: Yes

persenter: Abdulla Khaled
Time: 9:30 am
Date: 26/5/2010
Topic: Bank cabal
He didnt introduced the topic clearly.
Body language and eye contact were fine.

Slides: There were 10 slides with good information and the colors were good.
Too many words: No.
Content: There were no problems solutions in this case.
Language: Good and the meaning was not too clear.

Persenter: Rashed
Time: 9:34 am
Date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Egypt
Introduction: Clear introduction and he explained it very perfect.
Body language: His body language was good and his eye contact was too bad because he was reading from board.
Slides: It was 10 slides, colorful, informative and too many words on the slides.
Content: He explained the problems and solutions clearly.

Persenter: Ahmed Ali
Time: 9:15 to 9:30 am
Date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Soft drinks.
Introduction: He explained the topic too good.
Body language: The body language is good and comfortable.
Eye contact: it was not too good he was reading from the slides
Slides: 10
Colorful, clear and relevant: The slides looked good and clear.
Too many words: Yes
He presented the problem and the solution: Yes
Language: Good
Meaning clear: Yes

Persenter: Mohsen
Time: 8:30 to 8:50 am
date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Recycling papers
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language and eye contacts were fine.
Slides: 11 slides, contained good information and not many words
Content: He presented the problem and solution clearly.
Language and meaning were good.

Persenter: Mohammad Hasan
Time: 8:31 to 8:43 am
date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Population in Dubai
Introduction: He introduced the problem very well.
Body language: The body language was good but not clears.
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10 slides with good colorful, informative and nice pictures.
He presented the problem and the solution: Yes
The language and the meaning were not too fine.

Time: 8:43to 8:58
Date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Smoking
Introduction: The topic was fine.
Body language and eye contact were good.
Attitude: Relaxed and comfortable.
Slides: 11 slides, with good information and with nice idea.
Content: He discussed the problem and solution briefly.
Language: Good.
Meaning clear: clear.

Persenter: Saif
Time: 10:51 to 10:58
Date: 30/5/2010
Subject: Pollution
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good and also the eye contact
Attitude: relaxed.
Slides: 10 slides, informative, had nice colors but too many words.
Content: He explained the problem and he put possible solution.
Language and meaning were clear.

Persenter: Ahmed AL Braiky
Subject: Traffic congestion.
Time: 12:38pm to 12:48pm.
Introduction: The introduction was good.
Body language: The body language is very good and the eye contact was fine.
Attitude: He was not relax but comfortable.
Slides: 11.
Colorful: yes.
Informative: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: yes.
Not too many words: No.
Content: He explains the problem and gave the best solutions.
His Language and meaning were perfect.

Persenter: Sultan
Time: 9:15 to 9:30
date: 27/5/2010
Subject: Global warming.
Introduction: The introduction was good and clear.
Body language: The body language was good.
Attitude: Relaxed and comfortable.
Eye contact: Good.
Slides: 13 slides had good information and had good photos.
Content: He contained good solutions for the problems.
Language: Good.
Meaning clear: Yes

Time: 9:02 to 9:13 am
Date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Tire recycling.
Introduction: The introduction was interesting.
Body language: Good.
Attitude: Comfortable.
Eye contact: Good.
Slides: 10.
Colorful: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: Yes.
Too many words: No
Content: Had good solutions for the problem.
Language: Good.
Meaning clear: Yes.

persenter: Mohammad Saleh.
Time: 12:23 to 12:35 pm
Date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Hackers.
Introduction: He explained the topic clearly.
Body language and eye contact were perfect.
Attitude: Relaxed and comfortable.
Slides: 10 slides, informative, colorful and not too many words.
Content: He showed us nice slides.
Language and the meaning were clearly.

presenter: Faisal
Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1203-1213
Subject: Junk food.
Introduction: He explained the topic clearly.
Body language and eye contact was good.
Attitude: Relaxed.
Slides: slides were colorful & clearly.
Content: He showed us good solutions about the problem.
Language and the meaning were quite good.

Sunday 23 May 2010

Vocabulary words

1.alternative (noun) A choice between two or more mutually exclusive possibilities, There are always many alternative resources for clean energy
2.access (verb) To gain or obtain access to. I have the right to access my bank account when I turn 22 years old
3.annual (adjective) Of, for, or relating to a whole year, often as a recurring cycle; determined or reckoned by the year; accumulating in the course of a year. performed, executed, or completed over the course of a year.My annual salary is 200000 dhs
4.approximate (verb) To carry or advance near; to cause to approach.

5.attitude (noun) The position of the body or way of carrying oneself.
The ballet dancer walked with a graceful attitude.
6.attribute (noun) A characteristic or quality of a thing
His finest attribute is his kindness.
7.comment (noun) To insert comments into source code.
I commented on the photo album.
8.compensate (verb) To pay someone in exchange for work done or some other consideration. It is hard work, but they will compensate you well for it.
9.component (noun) A smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity. Often refers to a manufactured object that is part of a larger device
A CPU is a component of a computer.
10.consent (noun) Voluntary agreement or permission, not unlike assent consent can be achieved by passively not refusing. He gave consent to undergo the procedure.
11.considerable (adjective) Significant; worth considering. I've spent a considerable amount of time on this.
12.correspond (verb) to exchange messages, especially by postal letter, over a period of time.
I've been corresponding with my German pen pal for three years.
13.document (verb) To record in documents. He documented each step of the process as he did it, which was good when the investigation occurred.
14.debate (noun) An informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views. The debate over the age of the universe is thousands of years old.
15.domestic (noun) A house servant; a maid.- New standards of cleanliness increased the workload for domestics.
16.emphasis (noun) Special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important.
He paused for emphasis before saying who had won.
17.emerge (verb) To come out of a situation, object or a liquid. The submarine emerged from the ocean
18.error (verb) To show or contain an error or fault. The block transmission errored near the start and could not be received.
19.ethnic (adjective) Of or related to a group of people having common racial, national, religious or cultural origins
There are many ethnic Indonesians in the Netherlands
20.fund (noun) A money-management operation, such as a mutual fund.
Several major funds were declared insolvent recently.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Log Book

Date: 30.03.2010

Time: 1223-1243 p.m.

Location: F52

Presenters: Ahmed Ali H00130910 & Hedley

Subject: Polluted cities worldwide.

Slides: First Ahmed was showing us the presentation about the pollution. Secondly Ahmed Ali and Hedley talked about pollution in some countries and cities for example Abu Dhabi ,London ,Paris and Berlin

Body language: Hedley and Ali were looking directly to the class without watching the board.

Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1015

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulla Khalid H00137908 & Al Munther H00128002

Subject: Toyota

Slides: The slides were perfect and colorful.Almunther talked about Toyota and Abdulla showed us when the first Toyota car was made.

Body Language: Abdulla and Almunther were talking well but not loudly to us. They were using their hands to show us the pictures.

Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1030

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulla Masoud H 00131565 & Ahmed AbdulRahman H 00132533

Subject: Water Consumption

Slides: 12: they were colorful and were talking about using water in Canada and there were percentages of global water.

Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1045

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulrahman H00128332 & Mohsin H00132268

Subject: The UAE 1960-70

Slides:15 they were interesting and they had nice photos.

Date; 11.04.2010

Time: 1100

Location: F52

Presenters: Fahad H00130970 & Mohmad Hassan H00132994

Subject: Recycling

Slides: The slides were colorful and informative; also they were 10 easy slides to know.

Body Language: both Mohammed and Fahad were using perfect eye contact.

Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1215

Location: F52

Presenters: Saif H00132862 & Faisal H00133058

Subject: The UAE, past & present

Slides: interesting slides and really it let us remember the UAE in the past.

Body Languages: Saif was talking loudly and clearly; they were both good.

Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1245

Location: F52

Presenters: Mohmad Rashid H00132635 & Sultan H00134237

Subject: Starting a business

Slides: the slides were colorful and they were showing us the steps of setting up the business.

Body languages: they were a few mistakes and also they were talking quietly.

Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1300

Location: F52

Presenters: Saood H00131022 & Mohd Saleh H00128186

Subject: The UAE in the past

Slides: the slides were not colored but clear. The slides also were interesting.

Body Languages: there were a lot of mistakes but their voices were clear and loud.

Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1315

Location: F52

Presenters: Rashid H00132879 & Salem H00133895

Subject: Giving up smoking

Slides: only 8 slides but they were colorful and there were many pictures that explained what the effects are when you smoke.

Body Languages: both were perfect and had a loud voice.

Saturday 6 March 2010


The goal of this meeting is to discuss and to find out how to improve the student’s success. First how to put each student in the level that they deserve. Also another thing is what we can do to maximize their chances for success. How can we handle their responses professionally if they are not successful? The last thing that we can discuss is to see the problems and disadvantages of the students and how to solve them.
2) Minutes of meeting:
(a)Date: 24-02-2010
(b)Venue :( place):F52
(c) Time: 11:55 am
(d) Names of participant:
Mohammed (H00132635) chairman
Fahed(H00130970) secretary
Almunther (H00128002) participant
1. How can we help students maximise their success?
2. What are the obstacles to success?
3. How can we improve the situation?
Start: Mohammed opened the meeting at 12:00
What was said?
1)Fahed said that we can handle their problems professionally if they are not successful and all the group agreed.
2)Almunther said that we can do some maximizing in their chances for success like giving them more classes and all the group agreed.
3) Mohammed said that the students find the level they deserve.
Finished: after asking if there was A.O.B we closed the meeting at 1:30 pm

I think that the group was a good group because I learned from them many things and the chair man was every smart. Also the participant guy worked hard. We were discussing very hard about our problem and tried hardly to get some solutions. Finally I can say that we really worked hard.