Tuesday 29 December 2009


1 . Awareness (noun): knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation. Culture awareness is an important subject.

2 . Committed (adjective): willing to work very hard at something. In the last 3 days, I was committed to picking my brothers up from the school.

3 . Disease (noun): an illness which affects a person, animal, or plant. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases.

4 . Interpret (verb): to translate spoken words from one language into another. I always interpret the words to Arabic.

5 . Scholarship (noun): an amount of money that is given to someone by an educational organization to help pay for their education. Nuclear energy authorizations have a scholarship with Khalifa University.

6 . Opportunity (noun): a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something. I never miss an opportunity.

7 . Rhythm (noun): a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements. Time arrangement is important in rhythm.

8 . Concentration (noun): the ability to think about something carefully or for a long time.
The exam needs a lot of concentration.

9 . Individual (adjective): considered separately from other people or things in the same group.Every individual is different.

10 . Ridiculous (adjective): very silly or unreasonable. Don’t be ridiculous.

11 . Spite (verb): to deliberately annoy or upset someone. I like to spite her.

12 . Amount:
The sum total of two or more quantities or sums; aggregate.

~The amount of the water in the human’s blood is more than 50%. ( noun )

13 . Apartment:
A room or a group of related rooms, among similar sets in one building, designed for use as a dwelling.

~It’s not easy to get an apartment in Abu Dhabi that is not very expensive. ( noun )

14 . Aspect:
Appearance to the eye or mind; look: the physical aspect of the country.

~Money is the most important aspect of business. ( noun )

15 . Attract:
To draw by a physical force causing or tending to cause to approach, adhere, or unite; pull (opposed to REPEL ): The gravitational force of the earth attracts smaller bodies to it.

~The movies and video games are the main things that attract teenagers. ( verb )

16 . Beautiful: Having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.

~The most beautiful view is when the sun sets over the sea. ( adjective )

17 . Weather (noun): the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc. The weather is not good to make a trip.

18 . Price (noun):the sum or amount of money or its equivalent for which anything is bought, sold, or offered for sale. Car prices are not stable these days.

19 . Pizza (noun): a flat, open-faced baked pie of Italian origin, consisting of a thin layer of bread dough topped with spiced tomato sauce and cheese, often garnished with anchovies, sausage slices, mushrooms, etc. I like eating pizza at the dinner.

20 . Second (noun): the second member of a series. I have my second exam in November.

21 . Million (noun): a cardinal number, a thousand times one thousand. I would like to win one million dollars.

22 . Change (verb): to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone. Weather changes are bad for us because they make us sick.

23 . Separate (verb): to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space. Use a strainer to separate a mixture.

24 . Similar (adjective): having a likeness or resemblance, esp. in a general way. My neighbor has two similar cars.

25 . System (noun): an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole. The system in our college is very easy.

26 . Preferred (verb) : to set or hold before or above other persons or things in estimation; like better; choose rather than. I prefer coffee to tea.

27 . Benefit: Something that is advantageous or good; an advantage: He explained the benefits of public ownership of the postal system.

*Before starting any business the amount of the benefit must be considered. (noun )

28 . Broken: Reduced to fragments; fragmented.

*Broken glass is very dangerous thing. (adjective )

29 . Career: An occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework: He sought a career as a lawyer.

*After finishing school the real career starts. (noun )

30 . Choice: An act or instance of choosing; selection: Her choice of a computer was made after months of research. His parents were not happy with his choice of friends.

*Every person has to make an important choice in his life. (adjective )

31 . Communicate: To impart knowledge of; make known: to communicate information; to communicate one's happiness.

*It’s been a lot easier for people to communicate since the telephone was
invented. (verb )

32 . Control: To exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command.

33 . Correct: To set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from: The native guide corrected our pronunciation.

*It’s important to know the wrong answers and correct them. (adjective )

34 . Culture: The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.

*Every country has a different culture from others. (noun )

35 . Degree: Any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action; a point in any scale.

*Some jobs require a specific degree. (noun )

36 . Department: A distinct part of anything arranged in divisions; a division of a complex whole or organized system.

*The fire department does a great job to help people. (noun )

37 . Describe: To tell or depict in written or spoken words; give an account.

*The wetness had a difficult time describing the suspect. (verb )

38. Money (noun): standard pieces of gold, silver, copper, nickel, etc., stamped by government authority and used as a medium of exchange and measure of value; coin or coins. There are many people searching for money.

39. Tourist (noun): a person who makes a tour, esp. for pleasure. Many tourists visit Dubai every year.

40. Special (adj): of a kind different from others; distinctive, peculiar, or unique. I have a special car.

41. View (noun): a seeing or looking, as in inspection or examination. The accommodation is in suites, all of which have a sea view.

42. Courses (noun): a program of instruction, as in a college or university. Last summer I went to English courses.

43. Holiday (noun): Any day of exemption from work. I spent my last holiday in LA.

44 . Restaurant (noun): a place where meals can be bought and eaten. Yesterday I ate at the restaurant.

45. Healthy (adj): Having good health; well; sound. We should eat healthy food.

46. Available (adj): that one can avail oneself of; that can be used; usable. There were two available seats on the plane.

47. Discuss (adj): to talk or write about. We discussed BMW cars with our friends.

48. Century (noun): one of the 100-year periods measured from before or after the year of Christ's birth. We are now in the 21st century.

49. Manner (noun): the way in which something is done or happens. I like the manner in which he teaches.

50 . Salary (noun): fixed payment at regular intervals for services, etc. I m taking my salary from my father.

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